I started writing at the time of ideation and developed it with time as we scroll down. some information may be outdated as ideas evolved. Consider this a little time capsule of the life of our project.Enjoy!

Working Model (If you want to skip to the good part)

Translating & building on our previous discussions - we decided to build an infinity mirror that interacts with the user. An infinity mirror uses reflection and LEDs to create an infinite pattern using a small portion of LED strip and a mirror. Some of these approaches are translated from other courses - specially hyper cinema to create an effective interaction.


Framing Our Project:

Topic: Art, Creativity Piece, Infinity Mirror

Device: Connection, Creativity

Attribute: Interactive, Colorful

Mood: Awe

Reference to concept sharing: https://github.com/juxtapix/Hypercinema/wiki/05.-Concept-Sharing

What the interaction looks like:

#1 You see a clock, with the time hands represented by LEDs As you move close to it - it lights up detecting your presence. You see three buttons infront of the piece. When you push each bitton, the LEDs respond in a different way based on each button.

Technical Pieces:

  1. Lights - NEOPIXELS, for accurate color changes - we will be needing the FastLED library - which only works with RGB not RGBW.
    1. https://github.com/FastLED/FastLED/wiki/Overview#chipsets
    2. NEOPIXEL strip
    3. Neopixel sticks
  2. Acrylic sheet
  3. Tint Sheet - to diffuse the light
  4. Mirror, or reflective sheet