This blog is a thought dump of my brainstorming for the final project. No ideas are structured or final.

Topics I want to cover:

Data Visualization, Personalisation

Personalisation - I want the user to feel connected to the piece/work + I want to feel connected to the work

Elements I enjoyed the most & want to incorporate in my work: Sensors - temp, pulse, distance, motion, Lights - LEDs, Neopixels, Light projection, Integration with p5js - art, visualizing data in form of art?

Aura, Unique Fingerprint:

Interaction: the user interacts with the work - and sees a unique fingerprint/artwork based on them.

Behind the scenes: The project records heart rate, temperature and other variables - maps them out in form of either lights, light projection, sound or other media.

Tactile Fidget spinner based on pulse?

fingerprint sensor, sound waves

Sound: FFT, breaking down sound

Getting frequencies

Veritasium - FFT algorithm

Theme of customization/artifacts

Movement based reactions?